Welcoming Ultrafast Fibre On Board With A Tour of GallagherHQ

17 November, 2020

Welcoming Ultrafast Fibre On Board With A Tour of GallagherHQ

Our Waikato management team welcomed the Project Leads and Stakeholders from Ultrafast Fibre on board with a tour and workshop at Gallagher HQ in Hamilton.

"We see true value in bringing together the 3 teams to start this journey and we look forward to a long-standing, thriving partnership as we support the project management and implementation of Gallagher security systems." 

We are very excited to have Ultrafast Fibre on board with the Aotea Security and to have a supportive team around them with proven experience and a depth of knowledge in deployments across infrastructure providers similar to Ultrafast Fibre. We are looking forward to a long and enduring partnership.